Monday, 11 April 2011

The "Sorries"

"Anon" comments on a recent blog:  "Please! Let's not refer to the current Canadian Progressive Conservative Party as Tories! I prefer to call them Sorries, or Fake Tories.  Tories were historically populist fiscal conservatives which have very little to do with the dressed-up Reform social conservatives that have taken over the party.
Once upon a time a social democrat like me would actually find Tory positions tenable. The current platform and policies of this party are completely foreign to the Tories of old.
Referring to the current party as Tories just gives them a legitimacy to fiscal conservatives of old that they simply have not earned." ( BoingBoing)

Well said, Anon.  The 'we're-the-fiscally-responsible-ones' just doesn't wash coming from a party that started with a $13 billion a year surplus to the budget when it assumed power in 2006 and has now racked up a $17 billion deficit.    Where have its much-vaunted tax cuts brought us?  To $56 billion in the hole, that's where, the greatest debt our country has ever had, a debt load that our children and grandchildren will have to shoulder well into the future.

This party is not about putting us on a solid economic footing; it's about remaking the country in its own image, a strictly controlled, rigidly enforced ideal of hierarchy and homogeneity.   And we'll all be the sorry ones if we don't do something about it now, in this election of 2011.

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